On Thursday, Dallas ISD Board to Be Briefed on District's Desire to Raze Adamson High | Unfair Park | Dallas | Dallas Observer | The Leading Independent News Source in Dallas, Texas

On Thursday, Dallas ISD Board to Be Briefed on District's Desire to Raze Adamson High

We have 508 Park Avenue; The Dallas Morning News, Adamson High School, which the Dallas Independent School District wants to demolish, save for the facade, to make way for a new facility next door by August 2012. A few weeks back, the paper made note of the DISD's tussles with...
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We have 508 Park Avenue; The Dallas Morning News, Adamson High School, which the Dallas Independent School District wants to demolish, save for the facade, to make way for a new facility next door by August 2012. A few weeks back, the paper made note of the DISD's tussles with the Adamson High School Alumni Association, which wants the 94-year-old structure afforded historic landmark status (and the attendant protection) and refuses to let the Oak Cliff school go without a fight. Notes one good Friend of Unfair Park in a missive recently sent our way, "Rather than continue to consider Landmark Status and allow the independent appraisal of the facility, the administration has apparently recommended that the board take steps to abandon a usable facility in a closed session without citizen input. We are concerned that this has been recommended without public input in an open session and vote on the proposal where alumni and others could be present."

So, then, this heads-up for all Adamson alum wanting to give the district the what-for: At its Thursday briefing, the DISD's board of trustees will discuss the Adamson adios. Matter of fact, here's the very document to be voted on at the September 23 board meeting: "Opposition to Proposed Historic Landmark Designation of W.H. Adamson High School." It reads as follows:


That any proposal to designate W.H. Adamson High School as a historic landmark by the City of Dallas or any entity acting on behalf of the City of Dallas is opposed and rejected by the Dallas Independent School District. The Board of Trustees finds that the criteria of policy CL (local) for granting historic designation have not been satisfied, including but not limited to, the fact that the proposed designation will substantially increase the cost of maintaining and improving the structure. The Trustees authorize the Superintendent of Schools or designee to take all action necessary to oppose, under all available grounds and before any forum, any efforts by the City of Dallas or any entity on behalf of the City of Dallas to designate W.H. Adamson as a historic landmark. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
The board has also, rather helpfully, included Adamson's Landmark Nomination Form, which contains a lengthy history of the school -- as well as the Landmark Committee Designation Task Force's recommendation that the school is "meritorious of designation."

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