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Top 100 Restaurants in Dallas


Beth Rankin
People don’t really go to DanSungSa before 8 p.m. The scene picks up late at this classic Korean joint, which on Thursdays and Fridays closes just before sunrise the next day. Grab a karaoke room or a booth in the bar, which have big, dark privacy shields covered in soju advertisements. If the ads inspire you, there’s plenty of soju to be had, along with a list of Korean, Japanese and Okinawan beers (note to the uninitiated: Orion is pronounced “Oh-ree-awn”). The bar snacks, including bulgogi kimchi burritos and huge family-sized platters of crispy fried chicken, make DanSungSa a go to spot for late night food and beverages. ($$)
11407 Emerald St. #121, Dallas, 75229