Top 100 Restaurants in Dallas

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Top 100 Restaurants in Dallas

Fat Ni

Fat Ni
Hank Vaughn
Fat Ni is fun. Everything about it is fun. Well, it's in a strip mall, but aside from the location, it's a good time. To order you'll get a sheet of paper on which to check off boxes, almost like ordering Girl Scout cookies. It allows newbies to get familiar with the options. Then, in the open kitchen you can watch the skewers of meat cooking over the grill. Each skewer is brought out as soon as it's done, making for a parade of offerings to the table. "Oh! Scallops!"

Top Pick: The lamb and tendon skewers are tender and flavorful, but we also devoured every bit of a spicy chicken soup with house-made noodles. Super long noodles can at times make for awkward table manners, so maybe bring your own scissors. ($)
2528 Old Denton Drive, Suite 310, Carrollton, 75006