Top 100 Restaurants in Dallas

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Top 100 Restaurants in Dallas

National Anthem

National Anthem
Alison McLean
Nick Badovinus has had plenty of restaurant success in Dallas. With National Anthem, he has created a mix-tape of the greatest hits from his other ventures and stuffed them onto one menu. It's all then served up with a playful smirk for those who are in on the joke. The result is a competent blend of steaks, seafood and sandwiches that will please all palates, served inside a dining room that instantly brightens your mood. Too often, we get trapped in the notion that well-executed dishes should always be taken seriously, but National Anthem is our reminder that it’s OK to smile and laugh when you enjoy a great meal.

Top Pick: It seems low-brow, but with so many dishes that come with great sauces, ordering the bread service ($5) with the whipped and lightly salted butter is a must. The bread is great on its own, but using it to sop up all the flavors on your plate takes everything to the next level. ($$$)
2130 Commerce St., Dallas, 75201