Top 100 Restaurants in Dallas

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Top 100 Restaurants in Dallas

TJ's Seafood Market

TJ's Seafood Market
Kathy Tran
There are few seafood markets in Dallas as good as TJ’s. So go ahead and ogle the counter cases, with their beautiful and impeccably sourced cuts of fish, scallops, crab, lobster and more. Yes, shopping here can be more expensive than a trip to Tom Thumb, but that’s because TJ’s buys from ethical purveyors and sells an exceptionally high quality of product. Oh, wait, we’re supposed to be talking about the restaurant side. If you’re feeling lazy, sit down at a table and have them cook the fish for you. The philosophy at TJ’s is exactly what it needs to be: Keep the recipes simple, stupid. Let the spotlight shine on the ingredients.

Top pick: Swing by for lunch and grab a salmon patty burger — it’s more indulgent than it sounds — or a roll stuffed with tuna salad, which is made, as the menu says, “not from a can.” The difference is clear. ($$$)
6025 Royal Lane, Dallas, 75230