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Top 100 Restaurants in Dallas

TEN Ramen

TEN Ramen
Chris Wolfgang
This small ramen bar in West Dallas, an offshoot of Teiichi Sakurai's Tei An, has gathered a cult-like following for silky broth and succulent noodles. Ten Ramen's menu is compact: two ramens, two rice bowls, a broth-less mazemen and a lobster miso, along with a rotating weekly special. Yes, there's only standing room for a dozen or so patrons inside, where you'll rub elbows with your fellow ramen fans. But the snug, no-frills interior and intricate flavors in each bowl of ramen are both steeped in Tokyo traditions, just as Sakurai intended.

Top Pick: The lobster miso may have its own legion of fans, but keep an eye on the weekly special, where flavor influences stretch from the ramen norms. A bold kimchi stew and a decadent brisket curry are just two of the brilliantly executed examples we've seen move through the specials. ($$)
1888 Sylvan Ave., Dallas, 75208